Use MatLab to convert from state space to state space (symbolic)
This script requires the MatLab's symbolic toolbox
% Start by clearing everything clear all clc format compact
Declare all symbolic variables
syms k1 k2 b m
Define state space system
A=[0 1 0; -(k1+k2)/m 0 k1/m; k1/b 0 -k1/b]; B=[0; 1/m; 0]; C=[0 0 1]; D=0;
Define state transformation matrix and find its inverse
T=[1/2 0 1/2; -1 0 1; 0 1 0;]; Tinv=inv(T)
Tinv = 1.0000 -0.5000 0 0 0 1.0000 1.0000 0.5000 0
Find new state space system
% Ahat Ahat = simplify(T*A*Tinv) % Bhat Bhat = T*B % Chat Chat = C*Tinv % Dhat Dhat = D
Ahat = [ 0, -k1/(2*b), 1/2] [ 0, -k1/b, -1] [ -k2/m, (2*k1 + k2)/(2*m), 0] Bhat = 0 0 1/m Chat = 1.0000 0.5000 0 Dhat = 0